One of the salient features of the author’s research on this building has been the elusiveness of its name : Cordoba Mosque, Cordoba Mosque Cathedral, Cordoba Cathedral-Mosque, Cordoba Cathedral, .
There was a period of time during 2015 when all references to the “Cordoba Mosque” disappeared from Spanish references and the name in the official website was replaced by “Cordoba Cathedral”. That has since been edited back to the “Cordoba Cathedral-Mosque” but the arguments continue.
The following articles provide background information to ongoing disputes about name and ownership and also provide context regarding the present debates in Spain and in Europe in general.
Frank Cranmer, “Who Owns The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba?”Law & Religion UK, 21 March 2016
Recent article regarding the battle for ownership of the Cordoba Mosque-Cathedral.
Eric Calderwood, “The Reconquista of the Mosque of Cordoba”Foreign Policy, April 10th 2015
A very thorough article on the disputes regarding the status of the Cordoba Mosque including a brief historical description of the origin of the building, the Umayyad caliphate and the present situation of Islamophobia in Spain and how this dispute fits within the current social unrest.
“The mosque in the cathedral” The Economist, October 10th 2015
The Cordoba Cathedral-Mosque has a double denomination and this current article highlights the ongoing discussions regarding ownership and real estate. As a preamble to the discussion, the author includes a good and succinct description of the building’s history.